Sunday, 30 June 2013



The countdown has now officially started on the launch of our community super fast broadband initiative that will bring our wonderful communities to the very forefront of the digital revolution that is taking place around the world.

No more digital poverty, no more excuses from oligopolistic suppliers who do not care about our community except to leach money from it. 

A network that is owned and operated by our community, for our community and for the future of our children and others who wish to work and join the quality of life that we wish to preserve and enhance in the future. 

It is worth restating our basic guiding principles once again, namely:
a) inclusion for everybody, no matter how remote, (no "I'm alright jack", nobody left behind, access for all that want a service)

b) the best possible service that technology and cost will enable us to have and one that means every benefit from this technological revolution will be available to all (our super-fast broadband will be the best that will be available in this country);

c) A future proofed service of fibre to everyone's home (FTTH) and a one off investment in our future (no half cocked temporary 20th century copper wire solutions, no excuses, no decisions determined outside of our community); and finally

d) A community service created by the voluntary efforts of many, the good will of our farmers on wayleaves and all of it owned by us, the members of our community (not some faceless bureaucrats, predatory external parties, others with multiple agendas)

Our Structure
Our new company legal structure has now been created, after much legal discussion with relevant authorities and advisers, and, like our new community broadband network, this structure places us at the very forefront of developments in this area. There are few, if any, who have our advanced structure.

Our applications to the relevant authorities are now being filed, our share prospectus is being finalised and we are all set to go in the very near future to execute the final piece of the money jigsaw that we have been carefully piecing together.

Our company, registered as Digital Dales (UK) Limted, and trading as Fibre Garden, will be an Industrial Provident Society - Multi Stakeholder Cooperative (IPS-COOP)

As a refresher for all, Co-operative Principles are:
'the principles defined in the International Co-operative Alliance Statement of Co-operative Identity. The principles are those of voluntary and open membership, democratic member control, member economic participation, autonomy and independence, education, training and information, co-operation among co-operatives and concern for the community.' 

In short it is up to us to determine our own destiny.

In clear and simple terms this means:
i) that the company is owned and operated by you the members and users; 

ii) it will be able to take advantage of the EIS scheme which means for every pound invested by a member, the government will give a tax rebate of 30p;

iii) the company will offer withdrawable shares to members (subject to certain conditions) that will pay interest;

iv) that we will be able to pay dividends to members;

v) that we will be able to support community projects in the future; and finally

vi) that any long term surplus, or capital appreciation, is forever locked in to benefit our community

Our Finance
We are expected to also receive substantial financial support from the government (DEFRA), other social funders and those who recognise the importance of our project and its objective of community self determination. To date we have already received significant support, financial or otherwise, from The Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority, Cumbria County Council, South Lakeland District Council and our MP, Tim Farron.

We now need to show our determination and commitment by collecting from our community money through a share issue. In this way by matched funding we can finalise our project and own it into the future for a fraction of what it might normally cost.

What do you need to do
The time is now rapidly approaching when our project will be formally launched. More information will be made available within the month of July. It will soon be time for you to receive a prospectus and make a share application. 

Only with your individual support can we all collectively benefit. Each according to their means.
Please watch carefully for further developments and information including our formal launch plans. Help others in our community to understand the importance of this matter for our future.

We have this once in a lifetime chance to make sure our community is connected with the world in the same way that our Victorian ancestors built our train service, and our parents received the benefits of the first electricity to our valleys. Our grandchildren will look back on this moment in the same way. Let us grab it with energy and enthusiasm and community spirit that we are known so well for. The future is in your hands.

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