Saturday, 20 April 2013


Fibre GarDen made a presentation to Dent Parish Council at their AGM this week to update the Council on the progress of the project.

Having alerted residents of the Dale to the presentation it was well attended, which is a further demonstration of the support and need for fibre optic super-fast broadband to each home and business in both Garsdale and Dentdale. A copy of the presentation has been emailed to all residents but if you did not receive this and wish to be included in our mailing list please do submit your email address by clicking on the 'subscribe' link in the side menu.

Monday, 15 April 2013

Fibre GarDen Present

The Fibre GarDen team will make a presentation to the Dent Parish Council Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 17th April at 7:30pm in Dent Memorial Hall. The current Chair of the Council has invited Fibre GarDen to update them on the latest developments of the project.

All Dent Dale residents are welcome attend.